Airheat curtain

Airheat curtain

Description, scope

The main function of airheat curtain (AHC) is to prevent entering  the outside cold air into the premise. Airheat curtains of mixing or gating type are used for this purpose. Mixing airheat curtains do not prevent the cold air penetration in the true sense of the word since they only dilute the flow of cold air with a warm air bringing it to the desired temperature. In the open apertures, gating type AHC is usually installed, creating a strong counteraction to the penetration  of outside air. This is achieved by the action of air jets directed at an angle to the  aperture surface.

Airheat curtains for the protection of apertures (gates, doors, windows) are energy-saving elements of engineering structures, buildings, premises of all types and purposes. The airheat curtain creates an air jet barrier from the penetration of outside cold air, hot summer air, exhaust gases, and dust through an open aperture into the premise. The heat loss of the rooms when doors and gates are opened is significantly reduced (up to 70%).

Distinctive features:

Airheat curtains are subdivided per types as follows:

  • With air heating and without air heating;
  • Electric and aquatic;
  • Horizontal, vertical and universal.

Curtains with air heating and without air heating

The most common are curtains with heating (electric or hot-water), i.e. the equipment supplies heated air. To cut off cold incoming air in order to keep heat inside the premise, the air is to be heated. Airheat curtains are used for the protection of heated premises from outside cold air.

Air curtains without heating are used to protect reefers or air-conditioned premises.

Airheat curtains  are installed for year-round use. If necessary, heating capacity can be adjusted or completely shut off by means of automation and mixing units.

Aquatic and electric curtains

An electric heating element is often used as a heat source  of an air curtain. In this case, energy efficiency of the air curtain will directly depend on performance features of the heater.

Eurovent PA offers electric curtains with finned heaters or electric ceramic heaters, which allow decrease the power consumption during AHC operation.

In water curtains, hot water from the building’s heating system is used as a source of heat energy. Hot water supply curtains are intended for covering apertures up to 5 m (gates of storages, workshops, etc.). They are used in premises, which have central hot water heating (60 - 90 °C). The installation costs are accordingly higher because it is required to install a pipeline, an additional pump and a water filter. The use of a mixing unit makes it possible to increase smoothness of heating regulation and energy efficiency of AHC.

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